Orleans UniversalSilo Quick Start
Here’s how you can quickly get started with Orleans:
1. Install the templates
dotnet new --install Orleans.Contrib.UniversalSilo.Templates
This should print out the list of installed templates, including the following:
$ dotnet new --install Orleans.Contrib.UniversalSilo.Templates
Restore completed in 660.35 ms.
Templates Short Name Language Tags
Console Application console [C#], F#, VB Common/Console
Class library classlib [C#], F#, VB Common/Library
Orleans: Silo And Client orleans-silo-and-client [C#], F# Orleans/Contrib/Universal Silo/Silo And Client
Orleans: Standalone Client orleans-client [C#], F# Orleans/Contrib/Universal Silo/Standalone Client
Orleans: Standalone Silo orleans-silo [C#], F# Orleans/Contrib/Universal Silo/Standalone Silo
Orleans: WebAPI Direct Client orleans-webapi [C#], F# Orleans/Contrib/Universal Silo/WebApi Direct Client
Solution File sln Solution
Protocol Buffer File proto Web/gRPC
dotnet new mvc --auth Individual
dotnet new react
dotnet new --help
2. Create an application with a name like HelloOrleansWorld
$ dotnet new orleans-webapi --name HelloOrleansWorld
The template "Orleans: WebAPI Direct Client" was created successfully.
This will create a fully-functional C# application in the HelloOrleansWorld
You can also choose to generate the project in F# by using the following command:
$ dotnet new orleans-webapi --name HelloOrleansWorld --language F#
The template "Orleans: WebAPI Direct Client" was created successfully.
3. Inspect the sample app
$ cd HelloOrleansWorld
$ ls -al
total 31
drwxr-xr-x 1 johnaz 4096 0 Apr 30 09:50 ./
drwxr-xr-x 1 johnaz 4096 0 Apr 30 09:50 ../
-rw-r--r-- 1 johnaz 4096 124 Apr 30 09:50 .dockerignore
drwxr-xr-x 1 johnaz 4096 0 Apr 30 09:50 .github/
-rw-r--r-- 1 johnaz 4096 3266 Apr 30 09:50 .gitignore
-rw-r--r-- 1 johnaz 4096 206 Apr 30 09:50 docker-compose.yml
-rw-r--r-- 1 johnaz 4096 2119 Apr 30 09:50 Dockerfile
drwxr-xr-x 1 johnaz 4096 0 Apr 30 09:51 grain-controllers/
drwxr-xr-x 1 johnaz 4096 0 Apr 30 09:51 grains/
drwxr-xr-x 1 johnaz 4096 0 Apr 30 09:50 grain-tests/
drwxr-xr-x 1 johnaz 4096 0 Apr 30 09:50 HelloOrleansWorld/
-rw-r--r-- 1 johnaz 4096 2578 Apr 30 09:50 HelloOrleansWorld.sln
-rw-r--r-- 1 johnaz 4096 2720 Apr 30 09:50 Makefile
-rw-r--r-- 1 johnaz 4096 223 Apr 30 09:50 tye.yaml
You will notice that it contains:
- A console application project named
which is the host application - A class library project for grains where the grain interfaces and implementations are held
- A class library project for grain-controllers where controllers are provided to expose grain methods over WebAPI
- A xunit test project where grains can be tested in a test cluster, with examples of how to do unit- and property-based- testing
- A solution file to coordinate the projects together
- A
script to help you with the incantations to use whilst developing. You do not need to knowmake
to use it - A
script to package your application into a Docker container. You do not need to have Docker installed if you do not want to use it .gitignore
files to help keep your working set clean- A
folder which contains a simple CI pipeline ready to build your library if you commit it to a GitHub repository
- A
script to build, run and deploy your application via Tye - A
script to orchestrate a multi-node cluster on your local machine using Docker Compose
In future, there will be scripts to help you set up Azure CI pipelines & AKS clusters, deploy to Kubernetes, and so forth.
4. Build, Test and Run the sample app.
$ dotnet build HelloOrleansWorld.sln
Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 16.5.0+d4cbfca49 for .NET Core
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Restore completed in 1.61 sec for ...\HelloOrleansWorld\grains\grains.csproj.
Restore completed in 1.61 sec for ...\HelloOrleansWorld\grain-controllers\grain-controllers.csproj.
Restore completed in 2.43 sec for ...\HelloOrleansWorld\HelloOrleansWorld\HelloOrleansWorld.csproj.
Restore completed in 2.45 sec for ...\HelloOrleansWorld\grain-tests\grain-tests.csproj.
Orleans.CodeGenerator - command-line = SourceToSource ...\HelloOrleansWorld\grains\obj\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\grains.orleans.g.args.txt
grains -> ...\HelloOrleansWorld\grains\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\grains.dll
grain-controllers -> ...\HelloOrleansWorld\grain-controllers\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\grain-controllers.dll
grain-tests -> ...\HelloOrleansWorld\grain-tests\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\grain-tests.dll
HelloOrleansWorld -> ...\HelloOrleansWorld\HelloOrleansWorld\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\HelloOrleansWorld.dll
Build succeeded.
0 Warning(s)
0 Error(s)
Time Elapsed 00:00:16.81
$ dotnet test HelloOrleansWorld.sln
Test run for ...\HelloOrleansWorld\grain-tests\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\grain-tests.dll(.NETCoreApp,Version=v3.1)
Microsoft (R) Test Execution Command Line Tool Version 16.5.0
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Starting test execution, please wait...
A total of 1 test files matched the specified pattern.
Test Run Successful.
Total tests: 4
Passed: 4
Total time: 16.8750 Seconds
Don’t forget to allow the firewall configuration in the next step.
$ dotnet run --project HelloOrleansWorld/HelloOrleansWorld.csproj
info: SiloConfigurator[0]
Clustering mode from environment is: HostLocal
info: SiloConfigurator[0]
Connection string from environment is:
info: SiloConfigurator[0]
Blanking connection string because we are running with HostLocal clustering
info: SiloConfigurator[0]
Finally configuring with clustering mode [HostLocal] with connection string []
info: SiloConfigurator[0]
Persistence mode from environment is: InMemory
info: SiloConfigurator[0]
Connection string from environment is:
info: SiloConfigurator[0]
Finally configuring with persistence mode [InMemory] with connection string []
info: SiloConfigurator[0]
Using the loopback address for [HostLocal]
info: SiloConfigurator[0]
Development Clustering running on []:[11111]
info: SiloConfigurator[0]
Configuring Endpoints and Silo Address for clustering mode HostLocal [, 30000)]
info: SiloConfigurator[0]
Configuring Persistence for InMemory []
-------------- Started silo S127.0.0.1:11111:325957930, ConsistentHashCode 26F31827 --------------
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
Now listening on: http://localhost:5000
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
Now listening on: https://localhost:5001
info: Orleans.Hosting.SiloHostedService[0]
Starting Orleans Silo.
info: Orleans.Hosting.SiloHostedService[0]
Orleans Silo started.
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
Hosting environment: Production
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
Content root path: ...\HelloOrleansWorld\HelloOrleansWorld
Now fire up a browser and point it to https://localhost:5001/swagger/index.html and you will be presented with the API for a simple calculator which knows how to add two numbers.
Try it out. You are exercising a grain-based calculator!
You now have is a fully functional Orleans-based application exposing its functionality via a WebApi front end.